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Promoting the art and craft of wood turning in the greater Cincinnati area

Date: 4/16/2024
Subject: Proposed By-Laws with highlighted changes
From: Don Stephen

For additional reading pleasure here is a copy of the existing bylaws with changes and deletions highlighted. Sorry we forgot to add this in the previous email. 
Webmaster Dave
OVWG Members

Making changes to the OVWG By-Laws is a two step process detailed in 
Article XXV By-Law Changes in the By-Laws “adopted” by the members at 
a monthly demonstration meeting in 2022. Because the By-Laws are not a 
common topic of discussion at monthly demonstration meetings, the 
following is offered.

At an OVWG Board Meeting on Thursday 21 March, the board approved a 
proposal making changes to the existing OVWG By-Laws.

“Approval” by the Board of proposed By-Law changes does not implement 
the changes; rather, it forwards the proposed change(s) to a vote of 
the membership. Proposed changes become part of the By-Laws only if 
approved by a majority vote of the members at a properly identified 
and announced membership meeting.

In the existing By-Laws, Article XXV By-Law Changes, notice of the 
vote of the members must be given “at least one month in advance of 
the monthly membership meeting at which a vote on the proposed 
change(s) will be taken.”

The proposed By-Law changes can be discussed at the 20 April 
demonstration meeting, and before the vote at the 18 May meeting. The 
vote will be held on that day, 18 May 2024, by written ballot, in the 
meeting room at the Kennedy Heights Art Center Annex, 6620 Montgomery 
Road, the normal location for our demonstration meetings at a time 
selected by President Jon Hornbach (or whoever is managing the meeting 
in his absence), sometime between the normal start time, 9:00 AM, and 
the typical end time, around 2:00 PM. “By- Law changes shall be 
adopted by a vote of the simple majority of the members of OVWG 
casting ballots at the indicated monthly membership meeting.”

As described in Article XXV By-Law Changes, the proposed changes 
“approved” by the Board are attached to this email notice.”

Don Stephan, OVWG Secretary

Ohio Valley Woodturners Guild